How Many Jobs Should an Active Job Seeker Apply For?
A question that I frequently get asked by job seekers is… “How many jobs should I be applying for?” Unfortunately, I cannot give you exact metrics to say that if you apply for “x” many jobs each day, you will find a job in “x” days. You could apply for a bazillion jobs a day and never get a call or email back (chances are you are applying for the wrong jobs or need a little resume refresher). But what I can tell you is this… Have you ever heard the saying looking for a job is a full-time job? It’s because it’s true! The amount of time you spend…
Update Your Resume With These Helpful Tips
Through my experience as an HR professional I have reviewed a lot of resumes and applicant profiles. I have also received feedback on applicant’s resumes from managers who make hiring decisions. What I know about resumes, is that there are several key factors that can hold applicants back from moving forward through the recruitment process. I wanted to share these tips to ensure you avoid the mistakes that several job applicants make! Update your resume using these helpful tips so you are getting callbacks on your job applications. Your Resume Format Should Be Consistent and Visually Appealing The structure and formatting of your resume is so incredibly important. On average,…