Student and New Grad
Student, Intern, and New Grad Career Inspiration Center. This blog category holds blog posts to specifically help students and new graduates, discover careers, find jobs, internships, and launch their career when they are ready to enter the workforce #findyourpath . We may also include peer inspiration stories and feature students who are working on some pretty amazing things! In this section you'll also find information about #campuslife and #studentlife. ReRouting is helping students and new grads navigate through the world of work! #findyourpath #findyourpurpose. Deciding what to do with your life is hard, but through our series of articles and worksheets, Natalie at ReRouting will help you find your purpose and establish a plan to help get you where you want to go! Student, Intern, and New Grad, information, resources, tips, tricks, and strategies to help you find career inspiration, discover careers you'll love, and launch your career.
10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
Preparing for a job interview can be quite cumbersome – researching the company, the industry (if it’s a new industry for you), studying the job description, etc. It is a lot of work and can take up a lot of time! Hence the saying searching for a job is a full-time job! This blog post won’t take you through how to prepare for a job interview – we will however look at some other “random” tips. These tips are more of a random list of do’s and don’ts that will help you have a successful job interview. A list of things that you may not consider when preparing for your…
A Practical Guide to Writing A Career Plan
Whether you are a student, a new graduate, or someone who has been out in the workforce for a while, creating a career plan is essential to help you achieve your goals. Yes, you can find your path by accident, but you can also plan it intentionally. In this blog post, I will provide you with the steps you can and should take to plan and develop your career. I’ll also take you through strategies to help you achieve your career goals. It all starts with writing a career plan. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning ReRouting Inc. gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase…
50+ Powerful Action Verbs You Need to Use on Your Resume
Being able to write a professional resume that is going to have recruiters reaching out to book interviews requires you to add some punch with powerful action verbs! The type of positions you are applying for will determine the action verbs you should be using – these should be included as part of your resume’s keyword strategy. Let’s learn more, look at some examples, and then we’ll get to the list of 50+ powerful action verbs you need to use on your resume! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning ReRouting Inc. gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase through links posted on this site, at…
3 Secrets to Help You Discover Your Career Path and Find Your Life’s Purpose
How often do you sit down and think about who you are, what you want out of life and your career, what success means to you, and try to come up with a plan to get there? I am excited to share with you these 3 secrets to help you discover your career path and find your life’s purpose. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning ReRouting Inc. gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase through links posted on this site, at no cost to you. Please read this disclosure for more info. If you are anything like me I had it all in my head. I…
How Many Jobs Should an Active Job Seeker Apply For?
A question that I frequently get asked by job seekers is… “How many jobs should I be applying for?” Unfortunately, I cannot give you exact metrics to say that if you apply for “x” many jobs each day, you will find a job in “x” days. You could apply for a bazillion jobs a day and never get a call or email back (chances are you are applying for the wrong jobs or need a little resume refresher). But what I can tell you is this… Have you ever heard the saying looking for a job is a full-time job? It’s because it’s true! The amount of time you spend…
When Interviews Go Wrong
Truth be told most people (well majority of the population) have had a job interview go wrong at some point in their lives and they did not receive the job offer because of it. Even seasoned professionals who have been out in the workforce for years (and haven’t practiced interviewing skills) can fumble when they first start putting themselves out there. But I want to tell you this… When you go on a job interview and don’t receive the job offer, it is not failure, it should be used as a learning opportunity. Reflect on the interview and ask yourself what went wrong? Maybe nothing went wrong…Or maybe you said…
Update Your Resume With These Helpful Tips
Through my experience as an HR professional I have reviewed a lot of resumes and applicant profiles. I have also received feedback on applicant’s resumes from managers who make hiring decisions. What I know about resumes, is that there are several key factors that can hold applicants back from moving forward through the recruitment process. I wanted to share these tips to ensure you avoid the mistakes that several job applicants make! Update your resume using these helpful tips so you are getting callbacks on your job applications. Your Resume Format Should Be Consistent and Visually Appealing The structure and formatting of your resume is so incredibly important. On average,…
7 Tips for Students Struggling to Find Summer Jobs Through the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only increased the Canadian unemployment rate, but it has also significantly hit students who rely on their jobs and summer jobs to pay for tuition and other student expenses. According to Statistics Canada, in March 2020 the “youth employment rate fell by 392,000”. YIKES! Students rely on their jobs to pay for tuition and other living expenses, but they also rely on these jobs to gain valuable work experience that will help them launch their careers once they graduate. If the youth employment rate has already dropped, what will it look like in the coming months? Many students rely on their summer jobs to save…
Young Scholar – A Non-Profit Organization Every Canadian Student Should Know About
Young Scholar was founded by Sherry Wong in 2014. This inspiring young leader graduated high school with over $130,000 in scholarship offers. Determined to help others, she started writing articles on how to successfully apply for scholarships and post-secondary institutions. Sherry and the team at Young Scholar have established a free community resource run by students and for students. Why Should Every Canadian Student Know About this Organization? Young Scholar is a non-profit organization helping students transition into post-secondary education. The Young Scholar Team is spread out across various Canadian universities and colleges promoting the organization’s initiatives as well as setting up events to help other students along their paths. An…
Meet Mburu Njunge – Aspiring Young Talent With Interest in IOT, Product Research, and Digital Marketing
I first connected with Mburu when he applied for a position posted on ReRouting. When viewing his profile, I was inspired to see that at such a young age he has accomplished so much. In 2016 Mburu completed his BSc in Dryland Agriculture, Sustainable Agriculture, and Enterprise Development from Kenyatta University in Kenya, Africa. He has a passion for Agribusiness which led Mburu to co-found ConviFarm in 2015 through an incubation program via the Waterloo- Strathmore Mobile Technology Challenge. In August 2018 Mburu moved to Waterloo, Ontario to begin a Master’s Degree after being awarded with a scholarship provided by Mastercard. Mburu is an aspiring young talent with interest in…