The Best Questions To Ask At the End of a Job Interview
It’s a good idea to prepare questions that you will ask at the end of a job interview to demonstrate your interest, think strategically, and prove yourself as insightful. Because that is what all job interview advice tells you… Right? As someone who sits on the other side (interviewing job candidates), I am going to tell you to not always take that piece of advice everyone seems to be sharing. You know, the interview advice that states “you need to prepare questions to ask at the end of a job interview”. I have no idea where it started or who started it… But, what I will tell you is that…
How To Answer Behavioural Questions in a Job Interview Using the STAR Framework
Congratulations, you have booked a job interview and now you are prepping to ensure you come across as the top job candidate for the position. It is one thing to search for lists of job interview questions that you might be asked, but you will be well ahead of the curve if you can learn how to answer ANY question. More specifically, any behavioural job interview question that you might be asked. So don’t waste your time memorizing “good answers to job interview questions”. Instead, learn what employers want to hear. Learn how to answer behavioural questions in a job interview using the STAR framework. In this blog post, I…
Job Searching 101 – A Crash Course to Help You Start Your Job Search
Welcome to Job Searching 101! I am so glad you are here. In this crash course on job searching, we are going to go through preparing your job search marketing materials, designing your job search strategy, how to identify what jobs you should be applying for, and evaluating your job search strategy. By the end of this post, you should have a clear understanding of how to start your job search and find a job you love! Now grab a coffee and a notebook, and let’s dive on in! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning ReRouting Inc. gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase through…
10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
Preparing for a job interview can be quite cumbersome – researching the company, the industry (if it’s a new industry for you), studying the job description, etc. It is a lot of work and can take up a lot of time! Hence the saying searching for a job is a full-time job! This blog post won’t take you through how to prepare for a job interview – we will however look at some other “random” tips. These tips are more of a random list of do’s and don’ts that will help you have a successful job interview. A list of things that you may not consider when preparing for your…
Ace Your Next Job Interview by Mastering Interview Methods Being Used by Hiring Managers and Recruiters
Half of the battle when it comes to mastering and acing job interviews is understanding the interview method being used. The other part is being able to answer the questions asked in a way that demonstrates your listening skills and reveals your ability to communicate. Your answers should demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in a way that a recruiter or hiring manager can clearly identify how you are the most qualified candidate for a job. Before we get into this post, I want to tell you that it’s important to deliver answers that represent truths, rather than memorizing what you find on the internet. Learn the lessons behind what…