How to Write a Cover Letter That Stands Out
As much as everyone hates writing cover letters when applying for jobs, you’ve gotta do it! Yes, even if it doesn’t get read. I often get the question, do recruiters and managers even read cover letters? I fully admit that I don’t read cover letters. I do read cover letters if I am trying to understand something that doesn’t make sense in a job applicant’s resume. Like for example, I would expect that if they were making a career change that it is being addressed in their cover letter. But that is ME! When I was recruiting, it wasn’t efficient for me – what I needed to see was in…
How Many Jobs Should an Active Job Seeker Apply For?
A question that I frequently get asked by job seekers is… “How many jobs should I be applying for?” Unfortunately, I cannot give you exact metrics to say that if you apply for “x” many jobs each day, you will find a job in “x” days. You could apply for a bazillion jobs a day and never get a call or email back (chances are you are applying for the wrong jobs or need a little resume refresher). But what I can tell you is this… Have you ever heard the saying looking for a job is a full-time job? It’s because it’s true! The amount of time you spend…