The Best Questions To Ask At the End of a Job Interview
It’s a good idea to prepare questions that you will ask at the end of a job interview to demonstrate your interest, think strategically, and prove yourself as insightful. Because that is what all job interview advice tells you… Right? As someone who sits on the other side (interviewing job candidates), I am going to tell you to not always take that piece of advice everyone seems to be sharing. You know, the interview advice that states “you need to prepare questions to ask at the end of a job interview”. I have no idea where it started or who started it… But, what I will tell you is that…
Job Searching 101 – A Crash Course to Help You Start Your Job Search
Welcome to Job Searching 101! I am so glad you are here. In this crash course on job searching, we are going to go through preparing your job search marketing materials, designing your job search strategy, how to identify what jobs you should be applying for, and evaluating your job search strategy. By the end of this post, you should have a clear understanding of how to start your job search and find a job you love! Now grab a coffee and a notebook, and let’s dive on in! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning ReRouting Inc. gets a commission if you decide to make a purchase through…